The Best Jogging Stroller Under $200

A stroller inevitably finds its way into the list of things you’re going to be incorporating into your everyday lives as you prepare to welcome a baby into the family, but while the options may seem generic and interchangeable at a glance, they’re anything but if you’re planning to use one for more than casual walks and a trip to the mall. For joggers and runners who plan to take their little ones with them for their outdoor exercise routes, picking the appropriate jogging stroller is absolutely essential – while standard strollers and joggers share several similar features, it all boils down to the fact that a regular stroller is just not meant to pick up speed, and therefore lacks the crucial safety features needed to make sure your baby is perfectly safe as you go on your runs.

From a single fixed front wheel over four wheels suited for strolling, to hand-brakes, wrist-straps and the non-fully-reclining backs so you don’t attempt to go on runs with babies younger than 6 months old, jogging strollers are built to enable you to move faster without wheels abruptly turning and destabilizing your stroller, negating jerking motions that could hurt your baby. In fact, many options include a lockable swivel wheel you can use when you need the stroller for a casual setting. The best part, though? You can get your hands on a fully functional, versatile jogging stroller, without risking breaking the bank. Here are our picks for the best jogging stroller which usually sell for (well) under $200.

Baby Trend Expedition Jogger Stroller

This brilliantly designed jogging stroller doesn’t leave us wanting in any department, from the large, durable bicycle tires perfect for picking up speed and handling outdoor terrains without breaking a sweat to the lockable swivel feature of the front wheel that lets you switch out the jogger for an easily maneuverable stroller you can use indoors and for casual walks as well. The lock feature fixes the front wheel in place when running, to give you the required stability to prevent the wheels from abruptly turning when you’re running, giving you the control you need as you jog safely with your little ones in tow.

The stroller’s functionality goes even further – a 5-point safety harness and tether strap, fully adjustable, ensures you can buckle your baby up safely and comfortably to keep them secure as you go running, an adjustable canopy to shield your little one from excessive sun or wind. The padded seating and reclining back give your child the perfect little cozy bed to snuggle down and snooze in as you complete your rounds, while a parent tray fitted with two cup holders lets you carry your water or other hydrating drinks with you, easily accessible when you need them. The unit also comes fitted with a hinged child tray you can move out of the way when you’re buckling your child in and then fix back in place, handy for holding water-cups and baby bottles, as well as a storage compartment to keep items like diaper bags, handbags, toys and so on in.

Lightweight enough to be comfortably portable, the unit folds easily for seamless storage, especially useful when you need to drive over to your jogging spot and have to stow the unit into the car, but goes one further by being compatible with the brand’s Baby Trend Flex Loc or Inertia Infant car seats. Ergonomic rubber-grip handles make for easy maneuvering and steering, while footrest reflectors are a great safety feature in low visibility conditions. The mesh screen window along the back of the stroller is also great for letting you keep an eye on your little one without repeatedly having to stop and move around the stroller to make sure they’re alright.

Costzon Baby Jogger Stroller 3 Wheel Pushchair

If budget is a concern, rest assured – you can settle on this unit without compromising on the features you’d look for in a good jogging stroller. This three-wheeler features a swivel front wheel usable for slow strolls and indoor activities, which can be locked into fixed mode when you need to go running for the stability and security you need when picking up speed. The foldable construct of the stroller makes it portable and easy to stow away for storage or into your car for transport, handy if your preferred jogging route is some distance from home or if you plan to visit any location where you’ll need to move faster than a slow walk and need a good, sturdy stroller capable of handling the bumps and pace.

A multi-position backrest and padded, breathable interior lets you make sure your little one is comfortable, 5-point safety harness keeping them secure. An adjustable canopy screens them from the sun and harsh winds, a Velcro-attached flap over a mesh window letting you check up on your baby as you run without having to go around the front. The unit comes equipped with a roomy storage basket under the seat to hold diaper bags, toys, purses and other necessities, as well as child and parent trays with cup-holders.

Baby Trend Range Jogger Stroller, Millennium

This travel-ready stroller packs some of the features we loved best about our top pick, starting with the rugged bicycle tires to handle outdoor terrains and faster speeds like a pro. The lockable front wheel can be used in swivel mode when indoors or for a more casual strolling pace, or fixed into position for jogging. 5-point harness and tether strap keep your baby secured in the comfy, padded reclining seat, a canopy keeping them shielded from the sun. Under the seat, a spacious and deep storage basket lets you carry all your essentials with you when out. The ergonomic, rubber-grip handlebar features a cup-holder, a child tray affixed in front of the seat also with two cup holders for your baby’s bottle or sippy-cup. The unit can be folded up for easier transport and storage.

Graco FastAction Jogger LX Stroller

One of the features we have to give a shoutout to is this unit’s height-adjustable handlebar – the feature makes a remarkable difference to your comfort and running posture by allowing you to accommodate the handlebar to your height, a great feature if different people take the stroller out for a spin and have different handlebar heights they find comfortable. The unit also comes with large rugged tires capable of handling rough terrains and higher speeds, the front wheel featuring a swivel-lock system for use both as a regular stroller as well as one perfect for jogging.

The padded seat, 5-point harness and multi-position recline lets you buckle your baby down to play or sleep as you go running, the canopy featuring a parent window letting you peek in occasionally to make sure your little one is alright. Though the unit does not feature parent or child trays, it does come with a spacious storage space you can keep your essentials in for easy access, a removable arm-bar in front of the seat making it easy to get your baby in and out of the carriage.


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