Cold Brew iced coffee with it’s origins in New Orleans has quickly dominated the coffee landscape with major retailers like Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts adding the option to their menus with growing sales. But what exactly is “Cold Brew”?
Coarsely ground beans steep in room temperature water for at least 6 hours. It is then refrigerated and often strained, poured, and mixed in with water and milk depending on how it’s prepared. It will last approximately 24 to 48 hours in the refrigerator.
Cold Brew iced coffee is different than iced coffee due to the method in which it is brewed. This method does not require equipment to heat up the coffee as no heat is used in making cold brew. Some people simply use a jar and a filtered mesh to allow the course beans to slowly release the coffee flavor into the water while filtering out the grittiness.
Cold Brew has been described as having a smoother less acidic taste than most other coffees. Some say it is ‘softer’ way to brew coffee. If you have not had a cold brew iced coffee then you should definitely try it out for yourselves as it is quickly becoming the popular option at coffee shops around the world. The best part is, it’s easy to make at home!